Wednesday, July 11, 2012

8 Simple Tips For Keeping Your Pet Birds Health.

In order to have a long, healthy life, birds need a balanced diet. Improper feeding can lead to malnutrition and disease resulting in a shorter lifespan. Feed your bird well from the very beginning.
Parrots and birds of the parrot family can eat a variety of different kinds of foods. A parrot shouldn’t eat seeds alone. Unfortunately, that is what most new owners do, and that’s not good for the birds. Seeds have a high content of fat, and they don’t contain any other important nutrients such as vitamins and protein.
Birds are able to eat most foods humans eat, though it is best for them to eat whole grains, pretzels, pasta and bread. Foods high in fat should be avoided. Make sure that, of all fruits, you don’t feed birds avocados, since they are toxic to them.
Good sources of nutrition for your bird include beans and legumes as well as various vegetables and fruits. Just like people, some birds are more open than others to try new foods, and some of them will refuse to try anything that is not familiar. Even if your bird is stubborn, do your best to offer new foods for the bird to try at all times.
Introduce new things slowly. Offer fresh foods for about an hour twice a day. Fresh food left there for too long can develop bacteria and make the bird sick.
The bird should be fed twice a day. This will result in your bird getting hungry which will make it more active. Also, a good appetite can make it more likely that your bird will try new foods. Feeding at set times twice per day will also allow you to be able to monitor how much your bird is eating. If the bird appears sick or it is not eating well, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
If your bird is a picky eater and you cannot get it to eat a varied diet you can try warming or cooking the vegetables. Take away seeds except at meal time until your bird starts eating healthy foods on a regular basis.
And, birds also need fresh water. Your bird’s water bowl should be full of fresh water at all times. The bird’s water bowl is going to be pretty dirty, so make sure you clean it every day with warm soapy water. Also, clean it every two weeks with a weak solution of bleach. Some water soluble vitamins that can be added to your bird’s water every day are also a wonderful addition.
Birds can be charming pets if you take proper care of them, and they can be long time companions. Taking good care of birds includes feeding them a balanced diet of seeds, fruit and vegetables.

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